Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I made a gif

I've been messing around with animation lately :) it's fun.

Also I'll be a bit all over the place with activity on here as I'm at camp for the next two weeks, then have a week off, and then another week of camp. So look back on old posts and stuff in the mean time, comment if you want.

Until next time,


  1. Mighty Max....
    I love this gif!! ;)
    Sorry for being a loner and dropping off the face of the Internet world.... Life is pretty crazy right now!! More on why in a future fictional story!! {Lord willing....} ;)
    Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive, Raelyn

    1. Thank you! More to come :)
      Perfectly alright Raelyn my friend, though I've missed you, I've been in a similar situation! I look forward to reading it!

  2. Mighty Max....
    'Thank you! More to come!!' Yeah!! Keep 'em coming!! ;)
    My future fictional story should be posted on 'Minuscule is good!' {My Blog} in August!! {Lord willing.... Unless my plans change....} ;)
    Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive, Raelyn

    1. I look forward to it! More gifs and art and writing and such shall be posted up here in the coming months (including my most recent post on here)
