Thursday, February 15, 2024

Flash Fiction February 2024 Day 15: A Change Of Heart (Lucien)

 A/N: This is quite short as I've been in the hospital since Wednesday with a nasty cold/URI but thankfully am on the mend slowly but surely and able to catch up with prompts!

Prompt: And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.

Living in a state of nearly constant grief of some form of another can be a difficult space to inhabit. A state of perpetual darkness, of anger, of sadness, and of loss. On some days it may seem like life is not worth living, and that the world is hopeless. In the hours, days, and weeks since Martin's sacrifice and presumed eternal passing, as I doubt he will ever unfreeze from his stone dragon form, Issy has once again slipped into this grief battling state. I’ve seen it before, and I will without a doubt see it again, and yet each time it still makes me sad. The dead of winter with its icy cold hands, deep darkness, and biting winds does not help either. She seems to deal with things in stages, though not necessarily the ones we would typically associate with the stages of grief. Yes, of course, there is denial, and anger, and bargaining, but then comes a point that seems rather unique to those who inhabit a world of consistent grief. There is no real acceptance in the way one would usually think of it, but as time goes on it is more of a transformation, a metamorphosis. The darkness comes to pass in time. And there always comes a point where I notice her heart has changed, or at least she understood it more. The long dark of winter has passed, and the sun shone upon her, even if only for a short while.

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