A/N: This one was a rough one to come up with something for, and chronic pain kicking me today does not seem to be helping either.
Prompt: Only a small part is played in great deeds by any hero.
History is said to be written by the victor and epic tales often over exaggerate the deeds of such victors. Out of all my years on this earth I have found that rather than great individual figures achieving triumph over unspeakable evils it is often the decisions of the everyday people that keep the world turning on its axis. Luck, I would guess, has some component to the entire situation given its elusive nature. It is said that even the smallest person has some amount of innate luck to them, even if only a small part is played in great deeds by any hero. I consider myself to be lucky enough given my position, status, and age. It is not too often one winds up in such a situation such as mine serving as both leader and mentor often to great heroes. Some I have seen are better than others, perhaps, though all with guidance are able to hold their own. While I prefer to stay in the shadows and guide, I still provide insight when needed, even if only a small part is played when it comes to the great deeds themselves. Valan I watch sleep peacefully, a rare sight, and he comes to mind as the perfect example of playing a small part in great deeds. Without my assistance he would likely be a mutated, insane, monstrous remnant of a person by now, if not dead already. Instead he sleeps as comfortably as one can on the floor of a library, perfectly content just to have a roof over his head at the moment. He may not be necessarily the most skilled, or well equipped of heroes, yet nonetheless he has managed many a great deed. Perhaps he is just unusually lucky? I make a mental note to think more on the matter later, for the hour is late, and I should not risk waking him. Blowing out the last candle the room becomes dark and I’m left to ponder more on the concept of luck, history, and deeds deemed exceptional.
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