Sunday, August 26, 2018

Accidents happen (Yuuri)

“We’ve got a...situation.” Sammie says as she and Valan half guide half drag a sobbing and hysterical Kit up the front steps. “And by situation we mean your boyfriend accidentally killed a man.” Valan remarks, the end of the statement only makes Kit cry harder. “Give him to me.” And they release their hold on each of his arms standing back. Kit stumbles forward and buries his face against me as he continues to cry. Wrapping an arm gently around him I hold him there while I talk to Valan and Sammie, trying to get more information about what happened. “He had a contract from Delvin to steal mostly anything of value in Markarth. As you know there's a problem with the forsworn. He walked into one of the sympathizers houses and got caught. The owner of said house loosed his guards on him, Kit dealt with them accordingly. The owner then attacked him, he stabbed him out of self defense, and he died. Kit then came back as soon as possible as has been hysterical ever since.” Sammie explains surprisingly calm, though it takes a lot to make her not that way. She's got an even temper.

Valan listens to the recount of the story and notices something as he stares at Kit “Hey Kit, are you sure you got out of there unscathed?” He aks gesturing to one of his sleeves. Kit looks at him teary eyed and confused “What?” Valan walks over and rolls up his sleeve, grimacing when he sees the wound. “It doesn't hurt.” Kit remarks but tenses when Valan moves his hand along the cut running along his forearm. “It's probably from when he attacked you. Make sure you bandage it.” Valan says rolling Kits sleeve back down and patting his shoulder “You'll be alright.” He reassures Kit before walking back over to his companion. Kit returns to clinging to me as I continue to catch up with the other two. “Well, we’re going to get going if that's alright. Neloth is expecting us back by 5:00 o’clock and we have to stop somewhere first and pick up dinner.” I give them a nod and a smile. “I'll clean him up and might stop by later. Tell Talvas I have his paper proofread and I'll drop it when I'm next over there.” Sammie makes a note of that and I bid my friends farewell. Now to address the real problem; the sobbing Breton thief clinging to me.

“Come on Kit, let's go inside.” I coax Kit inside the house and lead him back to my room. My mother gives me a concerned look as we pass and I signal I'll explain later. Once in the room I draw a bath quickly as Kit sits on the bed, wrapped in a blanket. A tactic that usually helps calm him down. As soon as the bath is drawn I come back out to the main room and Kit jumps up and runs to me, nearly knocking me over. “I didn't mean to kill him!” He sobs. With a sigh I hug him “I know you didn't. Accidents happen. Even to thieves.” He looks at me with sad eyes but there's a glint of his usual mischief hiding behind them, a sign he's feeling better. “Alright, let's clean you up and address those cuts.” Kit stands and allows me to help undress him and set him in the bath. Being gentle on the injured areas I help clean him up, as he had not only had to travel across Skyrim, but also had the journey from Vvardenfell to the Mainland. He sits quietly rarely speaking, of which is concerning to me. If he's not speaking he's usually drawn into his own head. “Now how can I draw him out?” I think to myself then remember a way as I look around the room, noticing a hint of yellow on one of the higher shelves, which ironically belong to Kit. He can hardly reach them. Grabbing the item, a little rubber duck I bring it down to Kits eye level and place it in the bath. “Quack quack.” I mimic, squeezing the duck before letting it go as it floats around. Kit giggles and tries to chase it though the rippling of the water causes it to escape his grip a majority of the time. Kissing his hair softly I stand and exit the bathroom going back to my bedroom over to the open doorway “Iri!!” I yell for my mother and get a response of “Hai!!” Followed by the sound of running feet. “Can you do me a favor?” I ask leaning against the doorway. “What do you need? Or what does Carter need?” I whisper my request and she nods. Quickly I go back and get Kit dressed while my mother waits. He's surprised when he walks out to find her standing by the door. “Kit, what's your favorite food?” She asks sweetly. He blinks and shakes his head to assure that he's not hallucinating. “Uh, chicken teriyaki and rice?” She smiles “Ok. Thank you.” She's gives me a wink and exits the room.

Kit looks at me seemingly confused. “What was that about?” He asks flailing his sleeves around, most of his sleeping clothes are a bit large and don't fit exactly correctly but he doesn't seem to mind. “Oh, nothing.” I say scooping him up and lightly tossing him on the bed. That draws a small smile out of him, good. “Feeling better?” I ask sitting next to Kit and he nods. “A little bit.” We sit in silence for a while until dinner is ready, each lost in our own thoughts. Kit dozes off briefly and wakes with a start as I tap him but quickly calms down as he realizes it's nothing alarming.

“Yuuri dinner is ready!” My mother shouts from down the hall and the three of us have dinner together along with lighthearted conversation. As for where my father and uncle are I'm not sure. By the end of the meal Kit seems to be back to his usual self. Having gotten Kit settled and dinner over I gather my things to catch up again with Sammie and Valan but stop by Kits room, just to be sure he's alright.

As I open the door he opens his eyes and looks at me “What are you doing?” He asks as I sit on the bed. “Just saying goodnight and making sure you're all better.” Kit sits up “Yeah I'm fine now. Thanks.” I smile “And remember, accidents happen, no big deal. They happen to assassins, they happen to thieves, they happen to blind reincarnated warlords.” He laughs at my reference to Valan, who for lack of better wording can be...accident prone. “Goodnight kitten see you tomorrow.” I give him a quick kiss and a pat on the head and let him get back to sleep. Now to find out whatever Neloth and co are up to. Silently slipping out of the house I make my way toward Blacklight.

“By the way do you know the plan that Eno and Takayama made?” Sammie texts me out of nowhere. “I believe so. At least the basics.” I reply “Ok well they added to it so get here asap. Neloth is helping too.” I sigh to myself “Oh lovely.” I say though no one is around to hear me. “I'm around five minutes away. I have Talvas’s paper as well.” Entering the building I find Valan, Sammie, Eno Hlallu, Takayama, and Neloth gathered around a table. Handing Talvas his paper on my way in I make my way over to the paper covered table which has a large map and a series of directions tacked down to it. “What are we up to?” I ask looking at the papers. “While you were dealing with whatever it is you were doing we refined the plan.” Eno says. “What exactly is the plan? It's been awhile.” I ask for clarification. “We’re going to break Steve out of that awful facility.” Valan replies. “Oh that's the plan? I thought we were talking about the other plan where we leave him in there and do nothing!” Neloth says sarcastically. “And you still have to finish that experiment for me, Velothi. You broke something very important and it's only right you repay the debt.” He adds giving him a less than pleased look. Valan sighs “What can I say, accidents happen.”


  1. Kit's head ... what kind of place is it to be?

    And Yuuri and the duck were so funny.

    Iri must have been breathtaking to Kit. Yeah, food and sleep are real.

    So Sammie and Eno Hlallu and Takayama and the others are going to break Steve out?

    Hope Valan is able to repair the breakage.

    I liked the A plot and the B plot in this.

    I wonder if Yuuri could sometimes call Valan a "Walking Disaster"?

    1. It's an...interesting place to say the least. He's a quick thinker and clever just sometimes he thinks through things so quickly that they don't always go as planned.

      I thought it was funny too.


      Yes they are!

      He's trying his best.

      Thank you.

      No that's more Neloth, he likes to call him things like that. What else would be expected, it's Neloth.
