Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy 5 years!!

Well as of April 16th this blog is officially 5 years old! And wow has it been a wild ride let me tell you that. From bullies, fake friends, terrible teachers and the other horrors of middle school (in addition to you know dealing with life threatening illness and all that jazz) to the seemingly smooth beginnings and fresh start of high school only to be outed during freshman year by none other than my own brother, to more life threatening illnesses, some really weird types of migraines, lots of art and music, writing I do at two in the morning when I can't sleep and have far too overdeveloped characters (not really but I REALLY like them) genetic testing for free (woohoo) school being shut down for a pandemic, years in review, disability related posts here and there aside from the general theme of disability in writing even if it isn't super obvious, birthdays, and a hell of a lot of other stuff...This blog sure has seen some interesting times. And based on how the world is nowadays, I think things will only continue to get more interesting. I'll likely be archiving some old posts by reverting them to drafts just to clear things out a bit. But, anyways, thanks for all the support for this blog and me throughout the past five years it means a lot!

Until next time,


  1. Mighty Max....
    Your Blog is five years old?! Wow.... Where does the time escape to, outer space?! Happy 'Blogiversary', Friend!! ;-D
    Peace and love, Mary Lou

    1. Mary Lou,
      I know right?! You know what they say...Time flies when you're having fun! Thank you, and it's nice to see you around here again. I have lots more to come.


    2. Mighty Max....
      Yeah, yeah, yeah, I disappeared.... Again.... I took nearly a one year break from blogging to take care of my Beautifully Unique Beagle/German Shepherd mix, Rosey. She was euthanized on Monday, June 15th. :,(
      Peace and Love, Mary Lou

    3. Mary Lou,
      That’s understandable, I’m sorry to hear about Rosey. You have my condolences. Loosing a pet is always hard. I’ve never lost a pet (unless you count the beta fish I had for about a month in second grade) but I did find out that while not a very close friend of mine, a friend of mine from school passed away on Friday, July 3rd. It was expected yet...unexpected. (He had fought craniopharyngioma since he was 5 years old and was supposed to be starting college in the fall) I am at least happy he’s no longer in pain...


  2. Mighty Max....
    Thank-you, Friend.... I am sorry for your loss. In my experience, grief is grief, whether it be from a human being dying, {like my Grampa, for example}, or from an animal, {like Rose, [also known as Rosey]}.
    Peace and Love, Mary Lou
