Sunday, October 31, 2021

Costume Party (Qin)

Part 1 of OTP/Brotp Challenge: Cosplaying 


OTP/Brotp Challenge Cosplaying Halloween Costumes including Xu as a pumpkin 

because baby in a pumpkin costume is a necessity. Happy Halloween!

“Are we doing anything for Halloween this year?” 

Ling asks from across her desk, or more accurately, Lin’s desk. 

“I don’t see why not. I’m taking Xu trick-or-treating with Teldryn and Talvas if they are around.” 

At the reply Ling jumps up from the desk, putting her hands down with a loud noise


 She asks surprisingly interested.

 “A pumpkin, it looks adorable.” 

Ling practically squeals and asks, so I pull out a quick picture and show her

 which sends her sitting back down and 

spinning around in her chair making unintelligible noises 

intermixed with “That’s so cute by Azura that’s adorable” 

every now and then until she calms down. 

Eno stops by later inquiring about Lin’s whereabouts, 

and has a similar if less enthusiastic reaction 

to Ling’s earlier fangirling when I show him Xu’s costume. 

How to make even the grandmaster assassin smile, cute toddler as a pumpkin. 

He even agrees to come along on our little excursion later that night, 

somebody has to keep an eye on the lot of us no matter

 if we’re one and a half or in our mid to late twenties. 

After Eno goes off to track down Lin about a Mephala related artifact question 

that he and Valan had,

 I turn to Ling again 

“Are you dressing up as anything? 

Or you and Lin perhaps, maybe doing a couples costume even?” 

Ling smirks, looks around, and leans in 

“Lin is going to dig out one of her old tutus just for fun, 

and I’m going to find one of my red dresses and be Eno.” 

Oh that’s good, that’s good. 

We’ll see how Eno reacts to it, though.

 If anything I’d guess he’d be flattered…hopefully. 

If not, he’d probably just sigh dramatically and mutter something to himself. 

Finishing up our work for the day Ling and I part ways after getting coffee and I head home 

while Ling goes her own way. 

Time to figure out my own costume, I’ve got a black dress and boots, witch time it is then. 

When I get home I find Teldryn who’d been nice enough to babysit for the day 

sitting on the carpet with Xu, 

he’s a good younger brother. “Hello hello hello I have returned.” 

I call shutting the door and dropping my stuff by the door. “We’re in here!” 

Taking off my shoes I head into the other room and pick up Xu who drops her toy

 and reaches out toward me

 babbling all about her day with uncle Teldryn,

 and Talvas, though he had gone out for the moment in order to run some errands for Neloth, 

as he and Neloth had come to Vivec city for Telvanni related business, 

and Teldryn tagged along purely because he wanted to. 

All of them I believe are grateful for the break from Solstheim,

 it’s a rather shitty place to live after all. 

 Xu is happy just to be held for awhile, 

and likewise

 I’m happy to hold my little bundle of developmentally delayed cuteness,

 which makes me think-

 it’s a good thing multiple friends are coming along tonight, 

we can take turns carrying her if she gets tired. 

While she can walk, she’s not the best at it, 

more waddles than anything else, but she can do it. 

After a while I go and put her down for a nap,

 Teldryn leaves to go back to where he, Talvas, and Neloth are staying, 

and I look through my closet in the meantime. 

Night falls quickly, though it’s really more late afternoon or early evening if anything. 

Teldryn returns first, dragging Talvas along, 

and then Lin comes bringing snacks for everybody, 

followed by Ling, and lastly Eno. 

He does in fact, get a kick out of Lings makeshift costume. 

Since she doesn’t have robes 

she was able to find a long red dress with some lace details, 

a dark red scarf, and wears her hair in a half ponytail 

instead of her usual braid or all down style,

 the half ponytail is the typical Eno style.

 I don’t think I’ve ever seen him wear it differently. 

Neither Talvas or Eno dress up, but that’s alright, 

and Teldryn doesn’t either…But then again, 

armor is good enough a costume as any. 

It takes a couple of minutes to get an excited toddler dressed 

but it’s eventually done and we set off, 

Xu and I going up to each door while the others

 hang back chatting with each other, 

and follow our lead- the witch and her little enchanted pumpkin. 

Having made our way through a number of streets 

now Xu starts to get tired and become grumpy, 

our cue to head back home. 

“Come here my little pumpkin, let’s go home.” I say picking her up 

and calming her down, 

when we get home after a bath and being put to bed 

she falls asleep immediately, 

now leaving only the adults awake. 

Closing the door part way I silently head back to where everyone else sits 

or lays sprawled out on the carpet talking, 

and possibly eating leftover sweets that hadn’t been taken. 

Most of what Xu had gotten while trick or treating wasn’t actually sweets, 

though there are a few, mostly she got more toddler friendly things like stickers. 

Grabbing a piece of chocolate I sit down next to Lin,

 who looks rather stunning

 in one of her old tutus from when she still danced professionally, 

though I’m glad for the sake of her feet she did not wear her ballet slippers out. 

“Well, I think that was fun.”

 Everyone nods in agreement,

 and we all agree with doing the idea of all dressing up however casually

 next year too. 

A calm but entertaining way to spend a holiday, 

and a way to get free food, which is always a good thing. 

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