A/N: This has been sitting in drafts forever and in the queue even longer oops
“Good morning!” A cheerful voice says. What?! I blink and open my eyes, turning toward the direction of the sound. I can feel all the blood in my face leave as I turn back looking at the ceiling, back toward the sound, blink a few times, and look again back at the ceiling. “You’re not dreaming.” And I sigh, putting my hands over my face. What happened? Putting my hands back down by my sides I look in the direction of the voice to find Anna sitting there on the bed. “Why are you here? Why am I here? Why am I not wearing a shirt and Where are your clothes?!” I ask sitting up “As for the clothing or semi lack of it, might I remind you it is summer and the temperature is rather warm? As for why I am here, had a nightmare, came here, you let me stay. Why are you here, um...it’s your bedroom?” With a sigh I lay back down, this is going to be awkward to explain. Wait a minute, I look at Anna “You said good morning, that would imply I was asleep…” Anna nods, “Well, that never happens.” I remark, on top of the lack of physical need for sleep, a side effect of lycanthropy is terrible nightmares. Something must have calmed me down enough to allow me to stay asleep for more than an hour or so…interesting
Suddenly, the doors burst open and Vilkas stops in his tracks and goes to say something “It’s not what it looks like. No comments please.” I clarify, raising a hand in the air in his direction. He makes a noise “Oh I’m sure, and what exactly does it look like?” He asks with a note of sarcasm in his voice “I...have no idea.” Vilkas closes the doors “What it looks like to me is that you two did something, and I don’t want to know what or why, and that you ended up here.” Anna lets out a stifled laugh “Oh no, it’s not that scandalous, not at all. I had a nightmare, couldn’t sleep, came here, and he let me stay. But, considering this is his room and his bed, got to lie down somewhere? That’s it.” Vilkas gives her a mostly satisfied but still not entirely convinced look “Why are you only wearing an undershirt then?” He questions and Anna rolls her eyes “You two are most definitely twins. I got the same question from him not five minutes ago. It is summer and therefore it is warm so what do we do when it is warm? We wear lighter clothing to compensate! By the nine why is that concept so hard to understand- rhetorical question, it isn’t.” Vilkas and I both make a slightly offended noise at the sarcasm. “Fine, understood, but still- you should probably get out of here before someone else passes by and comes to more scandalous conclusions simply by association. Also- here…” he throws a shirt at her “Put this on, just give it back later. It’s mine originally after all…” he explains glaring at me. I am nearly positive I did not steal it, more likely Tilma put it in the wrong twins room by accident. Anna throws on the shirt and casting an invisibility spell silently slips out and down the hall back to her assigned quarters, leaving only my brother and I.
“What did you do?” Vilkas asks in a more accusatory tone “Nothing, if you listened to a word of the explanation that was just given.” I reply, getting out of bed “No offense if I’m not entirely convinced.” He responds “Offense.” I retorte, throwing on a shirt “She had a nightmare, end of story.” Vilkas leans against the doorpost “She’s an adult, and as far as I know not a lycanthropic adult, so she should have gotten a glass of milk and gone back to bed. Not wander around in the middle of the night looking for someone to cuddle her back to sleep like a child.” Suddenly he makes a face and goes to grab his foot and Anna appears from another invisibility spell, now fully clothed once more with the shirt in her hand “Need I remind you that some people have ptsd and/or other reasons where getting back to sleep is difficult?” Vilkas’s face contorts, he’s not the biggest fan of being corrected. “Did you have to step on my foot?” He squeaks out. Anna replies with a simple, unphased, “Yes.” Hands him the shirt, thanks him for letting her borrow it, and leaves.
Later that afternoon I find Vilkas still trying to apologize for his behavior earlier, and while Anna seems to have forgiven him, I don’t think she entirely has. Nor do I think that he entirely trusts her, for whatever the reason. “You’re staring, you know.” Aela points out, standing next to me as I watch the two of them talk “Observing.” She makes a noise “Well those two seem to be getting along as well as ever.” She laughs slightly before asking what happened now. “Vilkas was inconsiderate.” She sighs “And since when is that a new thing?” She’s right, while capable of being very kind, he’s not always the most considerate, and takes a while to warm up to people. “She had a nightmare and came to me because she knew I would be awake, and he was somewhat mocking her about it.” Aela rolls her eyes as if to silently say she’s not surprised in the slightest. As Kodlak has pointed out before, Vilkas can be a bit hotheaded or easily agitated at times, he is simply edgy all in all, even if he knows you. I would know that better than anyone, for sure.
Time passes as Aela and I sit on the bench near the door watching Vilkas and Anna continue to talk before they go their separate ways, Vilkas to work on some swordwork with Athis, and Anna exits the yard entirely, heading toward the plains district of Whiterun. “You know where she's going?” Aela and I question at the same time to each other as we watch her round the corner. “No idea…” the two of us mutter in reply.
By mid-evening Anna returns, she’d gone to run a few errands and pick up a book, apparently, and luckily had stopped for dinner, as by the time she gets back things are mostly cleaned up. I find Vilkas to ask him more about their discussion earlier, and as Aela and I had guessed, it was mostly apologies and back and forth of why it’s not always nice to make assumptions about people.