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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

You are a useless child (Marien)

I sit sprawled in the large stone throne draped with silks bored out of my mind. Why won't that stupid kid hurry up?! I've been waiting for hours! Taking my legs down from their place hanging over a chair arm I get up and walk down the hall towards Josephine's office. The door is closed and since I am in fact a polite person, I knock. “Come in.” Josephine's voice calls from inside and I open the door, poking my head in. “Any news of the warden? It's been almost an hour and a half.” Josephine looks up from her stack of paperwork. “Uhh, no? I mean they are coming from northern Fereldan so they could be delayed, due to snow and darkspawn and all.” She explains. “Well when they eventually get here tell them I'll be in my quarters.” Grumbling I exit the office slamming the door behind me. Passing Sera and Solas in the thick of another argument on my way upstairs I open the doors to my quarters and fall face first into the couch next to the balcony door. Might as well take a nap if I can, or think of what I'm going to say. Turning onto my back I grab a notepad and pen from the side table and begin to jot down short bullet points. Glancing up at the clock every so often as my vision gets hazy and my eyes begin to drift closed.

I wake up to hear giggling coming from outside the room, as if it's just outside the door. I bolt up and angrily open the door to revel exactly who I thought it would be, as well as two accomplices. The three stop laughing abruptly and I look the trio over. Alarian, standing in the middle, Krem to the left, and Sera to the right. I grab Alarian’s shirt and pull them up so we are at eye level. “You…” I growl angrily. Though their expression of fear turns to one of challenge. “Heard you thought I wouldn't show up.” They grin slyly and spread their hands out on either side, palm down as they begin to levitate, reaching out of my grip and shifting backwards. They drop to the ground and begin to sprint the other way. “If you really want to beat me up again you'll have to catch me first!” They yell as they turn a corner and run out of sight. Not only are they an idiot, they happen to be severely annoying as well. What a useless kid, and to think, their the one in charge of getting rid of the blight? Sounds completely illogical. Krem clears his throat and I turn to him and Sera. “As for you two, get lost. Now.” Sera nods and begins to start walking away but Krem stays and stares at me. “You lay a hand on my friend I will tell Bull to tear you limb from limb. Remember that Inquisitor.” He threatens me and walks away. I scoff, Bull wouldn't do that no matter what Krem says. Now to find where that warden went.

When I get down to the main throne room I find Alarian, who quickly hides behind one of their companions and thrusts them towards me. “He's a professional assassin try anything you'll regret it.” They say, the slightly scared tone evident in their voice. The man looks back at them then turns to me. “What they say is true by the way. Zevran Arainai, of the Antivan Crows. perhaps you've heard of me.” He says in a slightly accented voice. “Never heard of you. Now are we going to have a meeting or what?”Alarian pokes their head out from behind Zevran. “On one condition. Leliana is in the room.” I sigh “fine. Follow me.” I lead them down a torchlit hallway to a spare meeting room with four chairs set around a wooden table. I sit in the one closest to the window while Alarian sits the chair closest to the door. Leliana sits between us as we sit on opposite sides of the table. She closes the the door “shall we start?” I nod in agreement. “Meeting Focus: Darkspawn, Qunari, and other important things.” I write on a piece of paper for records. “As for Darkspawn, they've mostly been taken care of with the archdemon gone. Mostly just residual ones in the Deep Roads and some wandering near ostagar.” Alarian explains. “Why is there still Darkspawn at Ostagar? It's been a while since the battle why don't you and the other wardens go clear that place up?” They stare blankly at me “What, you mean me and the one other surviving warden?” They say sarcastically. “There's more than just you and one other go get the orlesians.” From what I know the orlesians have quite a few wardens. “Besides do you think I'd want to go back there?” And here comes the ‘pity me I was in a battle!’ Whining. “Well you need to Man Up and go anyways I don't care if you cry about it!” I snap at them. “There's a difference between not going somewhere because you don't want to and not going somewhere because you have PTSD.” They frown at me and Leliana says something to them in a language I don't understand. Hah, PTSD, what a joke. Not only do they not fight back to most things, I'm not sure can solve an eighth grade math problem. Plus they've got no friends their own age. What a lonely, stupid, useless kid. I come back to realize they'd been talking the whole time, not about anything worth listening to of course. “Well here's what have to say to you. You're a worthless kid who can't do anything not even kill some Darkspawn. In conclusion, you're a useless child. End of meeting. And as for peaking on me earlier if you do that again I'll have Cullen and you have another little ‘chat’ in the dungeon. So watch yourself. Sweet dreams.” I grab my notepad and exit the room with a smirk on my face, watching as they stare straight ahead in shock. Hah, take that kid.

Can I just say that Marien is my chaotic evil character and she's a bitch I do not like her one bit.

Until next time,


  1. "Since I am in fact a polite person" - loved that part, Marien and Max!

    "Snow and darkspawn" - oh no!

    PTSD and eighth grade maths problems.

    Good on you Alarian for pointing out the difference!

    I thought Marien herself might think herself "a useless child" - if and when she were capable of self-reflection, or chose to do so.

    Who hasn't heard of Zev?

    The part about Krem and Sera levitating!

    Is the bit about Bull reported speech or a thought of Marien's?

    Orlesians are new to me.

    Alarian is clearly dissociating when the battle is discussed.

    1. Thanks! The thing with Marien is she thinks what she's doing is right but in fact is not and is actually quite cruel. Haven't exactly figured out the reasoning yet.

      Ali happens to actually like snow, just not cold weather, and it can make you slow.

      They were never a big math person. Yuuri is though, he tutors Valan in math in fact.

      Indeed! Good job Ali, gold star!

      Maybe, it's certainly possible. Though she doesn't often take time to "check herself" so to speak. Never really understood self regulation, though more in a reflective context.

      Apparently Marien. Which is odd as he meets with Leliana regularly, though never introduced himself to the inquisitor.

      ...Ali was the one levitating. Krem and Sera was just standing there until sera ran off (probably to find her girlfriend, a dwarf named Dagna) and Krem stayed, talked quickly with Mari then went off back to where he lives and took a nap until Bull woke him up.

      The part about Bull wouldn't do that? That's thought. Reported speech is in quotations almost always if not always.

      They're pompous stuck up snobs. Not really worth going into detail.

      They dissociate when Ostagar is brought up, Alistair just gets angry or sad, as well as dissociates.

    2. Catching up, Max:

      Still Orlesians might be worth writing about - when they have their own story.

      Thank you for showing Alistair's reaction.

      Thanks for reminding me about Sera and her girlfriend. I might ask about Sera and the girlfriend when it comes to Cute Couples [and those not necessarily so cute but important to the writing/storyline].

      Snow does make you slow, that is true. So does stone.

      Good to see Yuuri is a maths person. And how has Valan been going when it comes to that area of life?

      It would be good to see Marien check herself more and maybe she would find out her reasoning for cruelty.

  2. Kimi wa dekinai, dekinai, dekinai ko
