Saturday, July 29, 2017

Lazy Saturday (Everan)

ender I finally finished that fluff where Everan and Phillip watch Yuri on Ice

Finally the weather looks to be nice for once. I gaze out my window debating on wether to get dressed and go outside or not. My phone beeps on the counter with a text from Phillip asking if I want to meet him for lunch in about half an hour. In that case, I'll need to get dressed right away if I'm to be on time. Grabbing clothes that were hastily thrown in the drawer I laugh to myself. Since when am I ever on time?

After showering and getting dressed I grab my keys and quickly walk to the little cafe where in meeting Phillip, who sits outside with his face in a book. Why am I not surprised. I tap him in the shoulder “Boo!” He turns around with a surprised and slightly disgruntled exclamation of gibberish “Aaadhahfj.” Phillip turns around and begins to put away his materials, and pats the other side of the table “Here sit down I saved you a seat.” He says cheerfully. Whence his books are away Phillip rests his arms in the table, with his face leaning against a hand, he stares at me. “You're cute when you're still sleepy.” I feel my face get slightly flushed “How did you know I was still tired?” Phillip shrugs “I know your sleep schedule?” A waitress comes and hands us both menus to look over, I've never been here before but Phillip has been here many a time as its right near where he works. “Did you know I get Daniel to study by bribing him with Coffee occasionally?” He says while reading and I laugh on how seemingly random the comment is “Im not sure that's a good idea, Phillip.” He looks up at me “Actually it is in some ways. You see, Dan isn't the one to actively study without some form of motivation or structure, it's just not how he operates. Whence I thought up the idea to give him little rewards every now and then his test scores improved drastically. Before he nearly failed my class for two terms now he's getting anywhere from just under full marks to above due to extra credit!” It's nice Phillip really seems to care about his students, particularly Daniel, a favorite student and friend of his. The waitress comes back and we order, Phillip gets grilled cheese and I get chicken salad on a baguette. Now we wait.

The two of us chat until our food comes where there is a period of near silence, as it is rather rude to speak with your mouth full. After we have finished the two of us pay and start to walk over to Phillips.

We get to the neighborhood, window boxes filled with blooming flowers guide our way to the familiar house with a rainbow flag outside the front door and a stained glass window just above it. Phillip unlocks the door and drops his bag of school related things near where coats and shoes go. Ainsley peaks her head around a corner from the second floor with a big grin on her face and quickly comes running down the stairs, nearly falling towards the bottom but I catch her before she fall on her face...again. She walks over to Phillip and pulls on his pant leg to get his attention. She wants food, per usual, as Ainsley likes three thing predominately: Food, Naps, and Firetrucks. Though having seen her room, and Phillip recounting the amount of times he's stepped on spare Legos it seems she's a fan of those too. I sit on the couch and open my laptop, remembering I had started to watch Yuri on Ice but never finished it. Phillip comes and sits next to me. Leaning next to me and looking at my screen. “Whatcha doing?” He asks in a singsong voice. “Remembering I didn't finish Yuri on Ice.” His eyes light up “Wanna finish watching it?!” I smirk “Sure.” Might as well be a nice day to spend a lazy Saturday by watching gay figure skating anime. Break from the typical hectic day to day life.

Ainsley pokes her head around the corner, her mouth still full from an English muffin “Have fun watching your gay anime, you nerds.” She mumbles and Phillip glares at her and signs “No”, which causes her to giggle. Phillip gets up and shoos her back into the kitchen, pretending to me a big scary monster, before coming back and cuddling up against me. “Continue.” He says and pushes the play button to begin our rather lazy Saturday.