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Thursday, June 13, 2024

A decade since the worst day of my life, and yet life goes on

 Today, the 13th of June, is one of my least favorite days. In fact, it may be my least favorite day. As to why that is it can be explained by the title of this post. A decade ago on this day (though it was Friday the 13th, ironically, rather than Thursday) was in many ways the point of no return when it comes to my health. I woke up that morning ten years ago with some minor allergy symptoms, a stuffy nose, a bit of a sore throat, nothing major. By two in the afternoon however things had gotten significantly worse with the onset of a low grade fever, and a strange Darth-Vader like noise that would occur when breathing. That noise we would later find out is called Stridor, not to be confused with the LoTR chatacter called Strider, and is caused by a narrowing of the upper airway at or above the vocal cords. At first it was thought to just be asthma but when nebulizer after nebulizer failed to work and that coarse noise like a creaking door continued even in a deep sleep it was realized there was a different, much more emergent problem. Due to a virus we still do not know the exact origins of my airway was essentially strangling itself all the while the virus attacked my cranial nerves, leaving permanent damage. Luckily I live in an area where medical care can be easily accessed however managing such an issue is complicated as there remains no real cure besides tracheotomy. Over the course of the past decade I have nearly ended up with a trach three separate times, and in respiratory failure twice. My sense of taste and smell have never returned, my airway is compromised to the point a simple cold can leave me hospitalized, and the damage caused to my auditory system had led to both SNHL as well as auditory neuropathy. And yet, despite all that, life goes on. I'm nearly finished with my degree, have built a successful business, and I've been here ten years longer than originally expected...and I don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon.

Until next time,


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