Saturday, February 5, 2022

Flash Fiction February Day 5 Fight (Issy)


Day 5 Fight:

There had been strange rumors of something wrong in the city of Kvatch after the emperors assassination while attempting to escape with me in tow via the Imperial City sewer system, after hearing about Kvatch enough times and with a bit of prodding from Jauffre as he says that Uriel Septims bastard heir currently lives in Kvatch I decided I might as well check things out myself. Whatever it was that I was expecting to see when I reached the city was immediately thrown out the window as soon as I got to the outskirts. So far I had spent most of my time in the center or slight northeast areas of the country, which are generally more congested with small villages, farms, and roadways, riding west I find the opposite, instead of rolling hills or snowy mountains it is mostly flat, almost grasslands in parts, with a few forests here and there. The city of Kvatch sits on a hill and riding up the road I pass townspeople in tents or sitting on the ground, some shocked, some crying, others warning me not to go up there, yet still I persist. If there is to be a fight I’m sure that between myself, the remnants of the city guard, and perhaps a few brave citizens we can beat back whatever it is that's causing the destruction. Dismounting from my horse I leave her with a few of the townspeople and make my way up the rest of the road on foot, eventually reaching the first layer of guards. Up ahead I can now see what the problem is, a large gate of sorts glows outside the entrance to the city and from it all manner of daedra come through…how did it come to this? “What happened here?” I ask a guard “We don’t know, someone smelled smoke in the middle of the night and all of a sudden the city was burning and in ruins, the lord is still stuck in the castle and there's a group of citizens and a few priests taking refuge inside the temple of Akatosh. Before we can rescue them though the oblivion gate needs to be shut.” The guard explains through the commotion and later the captain of the guard returns further filling me in. “I was told to come find someone named Martin who lives in Kvatch, do you know him?” I ask the captain and he answers, yes, brother Martin is one of the priests stuck in the temple, because of course he is, no assignment can ever be easy can it. “You helped the emperor and seem to be skilled with that blade of yours, I’ll need you to go through the gate with a group of soldiers and try to close the gate.” Well this is turning out to be a great day isn’t it, reluctantly I agree and after a bit of preparation we go through the gate…The guards are massacred by the daedra almost immediately, it seems I’m on my own. Thanks to a copious amount of healing and ice based magic, an enchanted sword, and high quality light armor I fight and sneak my way through this plane of oblivion, eventually defeating the daedra who was guarding the stone needed to close the gate, with the gate closed the city is safer than it was, but a few rampant daedra still run amok in the city itself. After taking some time to rest the captain, a garrison of guards and I enter the city splitting into two groups, one working to clear a path to the castle and one clearing the daedra from around the temple. We make quick work of it, allowing me to enter the temple, and after a brief conversation with Martin and explanation of hey you’re the emperor's long long son I convince him to come with me. The battle was won in the end, but it seems the war is just beginning, and judging from Martin at first glance, he needs to learn to fight…perhaps Baurus can teach him…

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