A/N: Issy and Isabelle are just the pointing Spider man meme I'm gonna be honest. I also still don't entirely understand the definition of transposition but attempts were made to incorporate it?
Prompt: Transposition of identity
“Now this is just getting out of hand, now there are two of them!” Astrid exclaims while rubbing her temples in annoyance. She is both correct and incorrect at the same time. Yes, there are two Bretons with black hair and fair skin standing in the middle of the room looking at each other right now. Also, yes, both of them are named Isabelle, and are members of the Dark Brotherhood. However it is more just the transposition of identity, or in some ways a case of mistaken identity, or even simply a coincidence. Astrid sighs again and attempts to collect herself having accidentally requested the presence of one Isabelle without specifying which she meant, leading to the confusion. I stand off to the side and find the entire thing laughable, sure they have their physical similarities, but the Issy I know is very different to Isabelle Belet and all her many quirks. Still, looking at them gives me potential ideas for future contracts, one could transpose the identity of one onto the other to allow them to slip in places unseen…not as easily as one could do with twins of course, but it is a potential thing to look into. “Alright, fine, given that you both are still standing there gawking at each other…Isabelle Belet, meet Isabelle ‘Issy’ McKinnion. You have almost certainly met her before as she’s usually with Mr. Glowy Guy over there.” Astrid references to me and I give her a displeased look, but she is right. I go where Issy goes for the most part, except for when others decide to summon me against my will. “Issy works out of Cheydinhal, why she’s here I don’t know, probably something to do with the jester.” Astrid continues explaining to the slightly taller Breton, also correct, Cicero had requested our presence as he feels something is off here in Falkreath. I’m inclined to agree with him. “Now that all that is squared away, Isabelle I need to talk to you…Issy, you can go do whatever it is you do.” and with that the brief meeting and case of mistaken identity is finished. Astrid and Isabelle go off into another room to meet alone while Issy and I stay in the entryway. Issy stands silently for a moment before turning to me and asks “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” pointing back to the closed door which Astrid and the other black haired assassin had gone through. “A little bit of transposition of identity?” I ask in response and Issy smiles slightly in reply “All I’d need is to make myself just an inch or so taller…” she murmurs looking off into space while thinking. “This is good to know, always nice to have a body double around…” Some say it’s impossible to be in two places at once, but we just learned that is very much not the case. It just takes a bit of work and some one in a million level of coincidence.
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