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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Jack is back!!!

Hello again, it's Jack. K!!!

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving if you celebrate it. I did, my favorite part is the stuffing. Anyways I was looking through my phone and I found this amazing funny picture from a few years ago when I was in New York City around Christmas time. I wanted to share it with you so Meredith logged into blogger and let me write another post. So behold the yellow polka dotted vaguely sparkly unicorn!!! That's pretty cool if I must say so myself.

Jack. Kramer


  1. Hi, Jack! The unicorn is cool. I wonder if some taxidermist had fun taking apart various animals to construct it.

    1. Hi, they probably did have fun taking apart lots of animals to be able to build it. I saw it in a jewelry store that we pass by a lot when we are in NYC. Also yesterday I met a mini horse and a donkey and I got a cupcake! So yesterday was a good day.

    2. What flavor was the cupcake?

    3. It was a buttermilk cupcake with buttercream frosting.

    4. Was it a vanilla cupcake? That sounds so good.

    5. It was a vanilla cupcake and it was from this bakery that Abbie,Tony,Greyson,Jack and I really like and they make really good vanilla buttermilk cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting. If your ever in Boston if you go to Wellesley (the town where I live, a suburb of Boston) there is a bakery called SuSu's on the corner of church street. Highly recommended. 10/10

    6. Do they have any other good flavors or flavors that particularly stand out?

    7. Their chocolate chip cookies and their brownies/blondes are really good and their coconut topped cupcakes are good too. Their chocolate cupcakes are supposed to be good but I haven't had one in a very long time. Overall everything in that bakery is amazing.
