A/N: another quick one for today as I am getting kicked by steroid side effects (particularly insomnia which is why this is being posted so early in the morning...only a few more days left in this round and then freedom though for now I shall suffer) but enjoy!
Prompt: steepled town seen from afar at sunset
“What do you mean Solitude is the capital?!” Serena exclaims in shock as we approach the city as the sun begins to set on the natural rock formation. “I mean it’s the capital?” I respond, not knowing what else to say and the vampire makes a noise somewhere between annoyance and shock, still in disbelief. I guess this is what happens when you are locked away in a tomb for at least an era, the world changes without you. Slowly we ride along the road as we come to the city. Its place built high on a natural carved formation of rock gives it a unique look from afar, especially with the sun setting on the palace. The high towers of both the Blue Palace and the fortress of the city can be seen clearly, it is truly a sight to see if one ever ends up in western Skyrim for some reason. As it remains the epicenter of the empire there is more imperial influence in Solitude than in the rest of Skyrim, the remaining cities and towns prefer to keep either traditional customs and remain politically neutral such as Whiterun, or they keep the company of Ulfric Stormcloak and have more conservative beliefs. Farkas points out little bits of history to Serena as we ride that I would not know, but I do my part to catch the vampire up to speed by giving an overview of what she’s missed on a broader world history level. She sure has missed a lot, given the fact she thought Windhelm was still the capital city, that freezing pile of stone they call a city hasn’t been the capital since the first or second era which severely dates Serena. I know she is an ancient vampire, but I think it would be rude to ask exactly how old she is, that is if the math could even be figured out. I make a mental note as we approach the city to get in contact with Valan as soon as realistically possible, perhaps his friend of sorts could be of help. Last I checked Divayth Fyr was very old, so old he was born a Chimer rather than a Dunmer, and that he enjoys telling Valan random bits of history as he bandages him up from whatever it was Valan had done that particular time. Yes, I think that’s a good idea, tell Valan I have a very old and rather confused vampire that could use an in depth history lesson on what she’s missed in the past however many eras. Farkas draws me out of my thoughts suddenly by calling my name and I find my horse sharply stopping. Oh, we’re here, that was quick. I must have gotten distracted by the sunset…time to sneak a vampire into the capital at nightfall I suppose?
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