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Friday, February 24, 2023

Flash Fiction February 2023 Day 24: What We See When Eyes Are Closed (Valan)

A/N: Two bros chilling in a corner club less than five feet apart because they are gay (and one's blind) a short conversation between Valan and Yuuri about the spectrum of blindness and some potential spooky lights and weird dreams for today's prompt :)

 Prompt: vague lights and geometrical figures seen when eyes are closed

“How do I describe being blind?” I wonder aloud in response to Yuuri and his question as we sit at a table in the little cornerclub that occupies the Foreign Quarter of Vivec. We’d gotten on the topic while trying to decide what to get for dinner, having stopped in this Canton on our way out of the city. Being blind can be difficult to describe, being legally blind can be even harder. “Well…Most people have the perception that all blind and visually impaired people see the same thing, or more accurately lack seeing things.” I begin to explain as he listens intently in between sips of his drink “They’re under the impression that all blind people experience is darkness with no color, light, or anything else, that we exist in a vacuum and a void that is completely black and lacks any stimulation. Obviously, that isn’t true, for most people anyways.” That makes him have a confused look on his face, and so I clarify that there are some blind people who do experience that- we call it ‘total blindness’ but there is a much wider spectrum that blindness occurs on. “I for one, am legally blind, as you well know.” I make a quick reference to my cane which sits off to the side folded up until we’ll need to go. “My vision is bad…really bad, but I have enough remaining sight that I can use it to navigate around with some help.” Visual aids are a wonderful thing, especially in difficult to navigate or not very accessible spaces, and I am very glad they exist in their many forms from the lowest technologically based to the most complex systems. “But I also have full color and light perception which isn’t something that always happens.” that fascinates Yuuri and he asks a few more questions that are variations of “So what does that look like?” pointing to various objects and people throughout the room. I point to him at one point “You for example are close enough that I can kind of make out your facial features, but you are still mostly just a blurry figure shaped sort of geometric object. Your shirt, though I can easily tell, is blue, and your cup is a brownish color, and the clip in your hair is gold and shiny.” Yuuri confirms that yes the clip in his hair is gold and shiny and takes it out briefly to allow me to touch it and figure out the design is that of the Morag Tong and its seal- it must have been a gift from Eno at some point, the Seki family after all has worked for the guild for generations. Eventually our food comes and we eat continuing to make small talk and discuss the nature of disability perception and associated stereotypes. “Do you ever see things that aren’t there?” Yuuri wonders, that’s an interesting question and given his background in psychology I can understand why he’d be curious. “Sometimes. Do you ever see squiggly lines or flashes of light when you have a migraine?” Yuuri nods in reply “It’s like that. Sometimes I’ll see vague lights jumping around or these geometric figures when my eyes are closed, usually before I fall asleep.” Strangely enough since arriving in Morrowind, or at least that stormy night before landing in Seyda Neen they have been occurring more frequently, I’ll see figures moving just before I drop off into the realm of dreams and strange flashing lights that swirl about my vision, occasionally there will be a voice or two that comes along as well, but I keep that information to myself. Strange dreams and hearing voices are not the kind of information I’d reveal to someone who could toss me in the loony bin…I have more important matters to attend to, like investigating strange lights and a mysterious geometric box.

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