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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Good and bad things about having autism...

I haven't wrote much completely disability related stuff on here for a while so here's an analyzation of the good and bad things about having autism. (My stories are from a disabled characters point of view 95-100% of the time)

Good things:

You can be REALLY smart about a certain subject

You can have very good friends if they share your interests (not everyone but a personal example)

Kids from programs you go to can be very nice

You can have some extra time on things if your IEP states that

Some therapies can be fun

Bad stuff:

Stigma. Enough said

Bullies who don't understand

Bad teachers

Therapies that hurt/don't work

People who don't understand

Sensory issues

Bad social skills

People who say to "stop stimming"

A lot of other examples that I can't think of.

If you have any examples put them in the comments!

Until next time,


  1. Good Things:
    Academic skills
    Passionate about everything
    Awesome people
    Remembering tiny details
    Less judgmental

    Bad Things
    Feeling useless
    Executive functioning deficits
    Forgetting to eat/drink
    Not taken seriously by peers

    1. Yep these make sense. What's gas lighting?

    2. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which the abuser makes their victim doubt their sanity and the validity of their experiences.

    3. That's so sad/bad!!! Please tell me that's not a personal example!
