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Wednesday, April 5, 2017


today GLoW walked over to the middle school and taught a seminar to the small gays about what it's like to be LGBT at the high school and what we do. Then after that we went and saw some old teachers of ours, such as my old math teacher from last year, Jonsey and Ms. Egan, and a couple of my old learning center teachers through the years. After the debrief of the seminar (which went much better than last years due to far more organization) the twelve of us went and walked down to Captain Mardins, a restaurant downtown and got brunch. I forget exactly what everyone got but a lot of people got eggs, pancakes, or omlets. Mrs. Brophy mentioned to Lindsey about maybe doing this again, as it was rather fun to skip a day of classes and go to brunch :)

Brunch Gays are great Gays


  1. Replies
    1. I think you'll like my next fic.

    2. Yayy! I think you'll like my next fic, it has something to do with one of the posts you tagged me in :)

    3. I'm a sucker for sickfics.
