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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Crossword Puzzle (Fyr)

A/N: The beginning of May mini fic prompts! I'll probably be working on these on and off throughout the month and possibly the summer depending on how chaotic life gets with the insane amount of doctors appointments I already have scheduled once I get back from school. But for now enjoy a very tired old wizard who just wants to finish his breakfast and his grumpy 8 year old.

Prompt: Crossword puzzle 

“I’m bored.” Ayron tells me, crossing his arms on the table and letting his head rest on them. He’s been awake for perhaps half an hour, how is he already bored? “Did you finish your breakfast?” In response Ayron pushes the empty bowl slowly across the table to show he in fact did, stopping about halfway across the small wooden table we sit at. Usually I’m awake earlier and have long since finished my own morning routine by now, but today seems to be a day where routines have been thrown out the window. Having stayed up quite late writing a reply to Gothren about a political matter I could care less about, and then having to deal with Beyte sleepwalking, accidentally waking Alfe upon getting Beyte back to bed, and a patient or two having a crisis, I ended up sleeping in this morning. Going to bed when the sun is coming up is something I’ll never get used to, I don’t know how Neloth seemingly never sleeps. I would have expected Ayron to enjoy the extra sleep or time to do as he pleases, but even he seems to be in a strange mood today. Someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed with how grumpy he’s been this morning. “I’m bored.” Ayron tells me again as I continue to drink my tea. He’ll keep announcing his boredom every few minutes if I don’t give him something to do, and unfortunately nothing in this little kitchen needs cleaning at the moment. In a pile of discarded papers from previous issues I notice an incomplete puzzle poking out from the stack. With a sigh and a few cracking joints I go grab it and place the page, along with a few others that have relatively easy to read articles, on the table in front of Ayron. He looks at the pile of off-white papers perplexed “What am I supposed to do with this?” He asks, picking up one corner of a page and inspecting it. “There’s a crossword puzzle.” I tell him, pointing out the page with boxes as I sit back down “I like puzzles!” I nod, still not quite awake enough to deal with that level of excitement. “I know, so fill it out. Once you’re done there’s also things you can read on the other pages.” That should keep him occupied long enough to give me at least a few minutes of peace and quiet while I finish my tea. Ayron goes hunting around the kitchen for something to write with and upon finding something sits down and diligently begins to work at figuring out the puzzle. He works in a somewhat confusing way, alternating between working on the puzzle and reading whatever happens to be in that edition of the paper, and does so in a cycle. Once I’ve finished my tea and woken up a bit more Ayron shows me the completed page. There are a few spelling mistakes, but overall he did quite well, and seems a bit less like he might throw a fit at a moment's notice. I keep that thought in the back of my mind, to get Ayron to self regulate, simply give him a puzzle.

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