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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Story Of An Hour (Qin)

 Prompt: The story of an hour

A lot can happen over the course of an hour. Sixty minutes, 3600 seconds, 3600000 milliseconds. Morning routines, the cooking and eating of a meal, a school exam, so many things can be crammed into what is really such a small amount of time when put into the context of a day. At exactly six o'clock I wake up as I have to be in today by seven. Apparently there is something important to be announced this morning. Halfway through getting dressed and ready I hear Xu crying and upon checking on her find she has a slight fever. This morning just got infinitely more difficult, and I find myself very glad I’d already gotten dressed. Checking the clock I find it’s just past 6:15 and I have a half an hour to leave to ensure I get to work on time. Breakfast proves to be a challenge with a fussy and feverish toddler though I get her to eat eventually and quickly shovel down a bowl of oatmeal once the babysitter arrives for the morning. I tell her how to contact me should any issues arise and inform her that Yue will thankfully take over for the afternoon as she will only be in for the morning to finish an autopsy and present her findings before taking the rest of the day off. Is it really a day off if it’s spent watching your friend's sick kid? I make a mental note to make her dinner and pay her a little extra for the last minute favor. At 6:47 I finally make it out the door and run to work crossing the threshold at 7:01 and informing the captain while attempting to catch my breath “I’m here.” before collapsing into my desk chair. It’s been a very busy past hour.

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