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Friday, October 16, 2015

It went well! :)

My appointments went well today!, Dr.Hartnick was happy to see me and was happy I was improving. My hearing tests still weren't matching up exactly but closer together and I will have another ABR a week from Tuesday at MEEI. I liked the audiologist I had today and we met with her and her supervisor and talked about how we are going to try a personal Walkman/"lunchbox" FM set until we have the results from the tests in two weeks. They think  that the FM may not and probably won't provide enough amplification and if it doesn't then we decide on hearing aids.

Until next time,


  1. Replies
    1. How is everything working out?

    2. We have to wait to get the order for the FM on Monday and I will meet with my hearing teacher on Tuesday and she will order it and it should be here around next week.
