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Thursday, June 16, 2016

My woodworking projects :)

I brought home my desk today from school!!! I worked on it all semester and it turned out fantastic! There's also some pics of my bookcase from last semester with various items of nerdity (minus my Sherlock poster which I need to hang up) I'm really all I need is a chair *shrugs*

Until next time,


  1. Replies
    1. Umm, ASD and OCD combination attack towards dust and germs and things of that sort?? Why is your room really messy? When I have a bunch of cloths to put away and didn't make my bed then it's a different story.

    2. I'm the opposite. I like clutter. It helps me focus.

    3. Cool. Clutter/lots of movement and other things like that tend to distract me, but I like having white noise.

  2. How awesome is it to make your own desk?

    And hopefully you'll make your own chair too.

    Ninety percent of the pre-existing chairs ... are ... not for me ...

    The left side of the desk is good for Sherlock. [And there is an interest in "keeping white walls white"].

    Germs I find harder to deal with than dust. I have been known to live in two years of dust. The way it accumulates!

    1. It is incredible awesome! Jack made a throne :) and it's amazing!!!

      I don't think so.

      We have some really fancy 18th century chairs at my house :)

      I'm going to put it above my bookcase.

      We rent our house so we're not allowed to paint it.

      Yes germs are harder as their also invisible!
