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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Osatgar/Grey Warden fun!

Yes, im still obsessed with Dragon age and took some pics because I got a new camera and there not blurry!!


1. Ok guys lets go destroy Jowans phalactary!!

2. Taken shortly before going in the scary basement and killing some spooky Knights I got a fancy staff though :)

3. I met Wynne!!! HI grandma Wynne!! Do you have food??? I haven't eaten since I got to Osatgar and I'm STARVING

4. Looking around, where's Alistair (I eventually found him and we're helping a puppy)

More to come later!!

Until next time,

Which is your favorite??


  1. Hooray for non-blurry cameras.

    A good idea to make the images bright is to save them with JPEG 2000. [The 1992 version does do True Colour/Real Colour].

    I think my favourite is Wynne because I was lacking a mental image of this character.

    And the "i" in the story is Anna?

    1. Yay!

      That's a good idea.

      Wynne is cool :) Alistair, two other guys and Alarian went and hunted some Darkspawn and the two guys were being scared and then Ali was just like "ok you guys have lived in the outside world for your entire lives (and their in their 30s) I've lived in a tower since I was two and never got to go outside and I'm doing a better job killing these things and I also had to kill some scary enchanted knights and talked to a creepy statue and found out my friend was a blood Mage and had to have a conversation with Alistair all before this!" Alistair was like "Hey! That's not nice!" And Then the two guys were scared of Morrigan as was Alistair and Alarian was just like "your a witch, cool. Where's the scrolls though?" Then for The Joining (a grey warden test) they had to drink the Darkspawn blood and the two guys died but Alarian just passed out for a bit and was fine. Alistair already was a grey warden.

      Nope, wrong universe hehe. The "I" is Alarian (Ali) Alarian is from Dragon Age and Anna is from Skyrim.

    2. Thank you. I will eventually traverse your universes!

      Darkspawn ... they get the best of us.

      Thank you for the mental image of Wynne. Just enough so I could go on my own.

      Knights and statues...

      "Where's the scrolls?"

      Just passing out...

    3. Your welcome! You should!

      They do, everyone at Ostagar is dead now!!!!! Even Duncan!!! (The guy who recruited Ali and alistair)

      Your welcome! More to come!

      It was a seriously creepy statue though

      She gave us the scrolls :)

      Yeah better then dying though
