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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Strange Menu (Naomi)

 Prompt: Frozen Lasagna 

The food in Morrowind is very different to other places I’ve traveled, and it seems to even vary based on the region. Typical meals consist of rice, kwama eggs, ash yams, or other similar staples, and occasionally fish or shellfish if one is near the coasts. Thankfully they tend to not use much dairy when cooking, and if there is dairy in a dish it likely does not contain meat. How I ended up in this strange land is equal parts intentional and accidental. With everything going on Lukas could not attend to the matter of rumors involving the country, nor is he particularly skilled in any scientific practice. His primary goal at the moment is dealing with the war, and everything else that goes along with it. Leaving me to investigate the rumors of a so-called clockwork city, along with another rather eccentric companion. It’s not every day that one ends up going on an adventure of sorts with a master wizard, even if the adventure is only grocery shopping to stock up before the real investigation begins. Apparently mechanical beings showed up in the basement of his tower, and the old man wants to find out why. As a result we decided to travel together, and found we had more in common than we originally thought, I think by now we consider each other rather close friends.

“What in the world is this?” I pick up a small box-like package from where it sits in a bin of ice. “Frozen lasagna.” The old wizard answers in a tone that says I should have known it, as I’ve traveled extensively throughout the rest of the continent. “You wouldn’t be able to eat it anyways.” The wizard adds while looking at something else, it looks like a large piece of fruit. Carefully I put back the container and continue browsing the rest of the market stall. Much of the food I’ve never seen before, or if I have I’ve never tried it. “Naomi, over here!” The wizard calls and waves me over to where he stands.

“This is more up your alley I think.” This section contains more familiar foods, many of which I recognize. “You know Divayth, I never would have thought you’d know something like that.” To that he rolls his eyes, responds that he’s already lived longer than my entire bloodline, and wanders off somewhere else. Typical Divayth Fyr behavior, I would expect nothing less from a wizard his age and with his status. Running into him was as unexpected as finding the same kind of crunchy sesame seed covered bagel here in a tiny market far in the east as the ones I’d find at street vendors on the corner back home. That reminds me of the task at hand, I need to get groceries to prepare food before Friday evening, and hopefully Fyr knows where to get a good bottle of wine. The wizard will get his own things that he enjoys like rice and crab, while I get things that both of us could eat. “Let’s see” I whisper to myself, making a mental list of things to get. We need wine, bread or at least the ingredients to make it, fish since we happen to be by the coast, matzo ball soup, meat, noodles, vegetables that can be roasted, and some sort of dessert. Perhaps we’ll have brisket, or make a cholent, all I know is frozen lasagna is absolutely not on the menu.

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