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Monday, September 2, 2024

The Longest Road To Nowhere (Lucien)

 Happy short story September! The Storytelling collective is doing another challenge this month, and while today had no official prompt, I had something written for warm up already. Enjoy. Suggested listening (not related to actual content just vibes) here: The Longest Road To Nowhere

Prompt: The Longest Road To Nowhere

Sometimes I wonder where my potential in life went, and what my life would have looked like if not for certain decisions. Had I stayed in Daggerfall what would have happened to me? My guess is either I would have wound up a sailor, like I nearly did at a young age, or stuck in some orphanage until I got too old. Instead I ended up with a very different kind of “family” in a foreign country and most of the time far away from the sea. I find myself pondering the question while wandering the roads north of the Imperial City with Shadowmere one night on what seems like the longest road to nowhere, nothing here, nothing there, all around nothing. Nothing but trees and rocks and grass. Why did people decide to build cities where they did? The stars light the way ahead high in their place in the heavens far above the trees twinkling like a group of fireflies. With no one but Shadowmere to talk to I realize that I live quite a lonely existence, really, with only a few close friends and those in the Brotherhood. While I’m quite good at disguise and staying unnoticed much of my work is done from the shadows rather than in the daylight. Trouble seems to be afoot as of late as well and in more than one context. It seems as if someone is switching the Dead Drop information causing Issy to kill the wrong targets, Daedra of course are spewing out of Oblivion Gates everywhere, and Martin seems to still be getting used to needing to be the leader of an empire rather than a priest. Shadowmere makes a noise and nudges me, drawing me from my thoughts…I think she wants an apple. Pulling one that I know is not poisoned from the many pockets of my robes I give her a snack before we continue walking along the stone road, side by side. She has been a faithful companion, and in some ways is my oldest, and best, friend. Now having had a tasty snack the demonic horse walks slowly beside me while both of us keep an eye out for danger. These roads, especially at night, can get quite dangerous between bandits, wild animals, and the occasional rogue mage or goblin. I keep one hand on the papers for the next drop to ensure they don’t get lost. While I don’t think I could have forgotten to put the right papers in their proper places causing a mix up I don’t entirely trust myself. As we continue along the dimly lit stone path with only the stars as our guide I feel a strange sense of impending doom. There is something about this road, about where we’re going, that simply feels wrong. A cold like the void settles deep within me which Shadowmere seems to be aware of but is unphased by. Does this road really lead somewhere? Or is it the longest road to nowhere? Regardless, I have a feeling this will end badly for me, something is coming, and all the magic and daggers in the world cannot stop it. Am I going to my death?

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